Statement by Mr. Martti Ahtisaari

President of the Republic of Finland

CSCE Summit 1994 Budapest

December 5th, 1994

I wish to congratulate Hungary for its efficient management of the review conference. On behalf of the Finnish delegation, may I thank our hosts for the kind hospitality extended to us at the Budapest Summit.

I am likewise pleased to say that when our distinguished colleague Dr. Helmut Kohl spoke as President of the European Council, he was also speaking on my behalf.

It was in Paris four years ago that we, as a community of free and democratic States, set out to build security based on shared values and cooperation.

The forces of change released by the end of the cold war will stay with us. Within the CSCE we have agreed to meet, together, the challenges that change brings.

Good-neighbourly relations and regional cooperation are the fabric of peace and stability in Europe.

A new era of cooperation and unity has dawned for the Baltic Sea region and Northern Europe, with Russia as an important partner. The principles and instruments of the CSCE have greatly promoted this change.

While we are meeting here, a horrifying war and ruthless violations of human dignity are in progress not far away. Societies will have to contend with instability rooted in the past.

Against that background the steps that we take here in Budapest will be crucial for the future of our organization. Only by acting through the CSCE can we enhance its authority. The CSCE will be our first tool for building stability and preventing conflicts. Here in Budapest we enhance the organization's ability to manage crises. Building on the work of the Helsinki Summit two years ago, we have strengthened the CSCE, which will help us go beyond the transition stage that began when the division of our continent ended. The CSCE will be an organization for the future.

Working in partnership, our community of nations will overcome the residues of division and free ourselves of the ballast of the cold war. We have witnessed remarkable progress on the part of democracy and the market economy. This road leads to comprehensive security, which is built not only on political and military stability, but also on economic cooperation, concern for the environment, and social responsibility.

We are united in our purpose, and we recognize that our diversity of cultures and traditions is a strength as we face a difficult future.

In the view on Finland, a new security order based on cooperation, can be achieved only through joint efforts. The elements for this building work are available through the CSCE as well as through cooperation between the United Nations, the CSCE and other European and transatlantic organizations.

Finland welcomes open discussion on how cooperative security based on the CSCE principles can be further developed. We must be both creative and practical. We must keep up the pace of evolution.

Many states are now seeking stability. It is our responsibility to give this endeavour our collective support.

Europe must never again be divided. We will work together. In joining the European Union, Finland is committing itself to the integration of our continent. Together with our European Union partners, we shall work determinedly for the implementation of the ideals of the CSCE.

Finland will give Hungary its full support as our new Chairman in Office. We have full confidence in the Hungarian leadership as we face the demanding tasks that lie ahead. The CSCE is an organization that will safeguard shared values and ensure security for all.