President of the Republic of Finland’s greeting on Mother’s Day on 10 May 2020

Dear Mothers,

On Mother’s Day flowers are appearing for our pleasure. Birds are busy building nests. As if to honour mothers.

This year no national Mother’s Day ceremony can be held because of the coronavirus. Even if we do not get together officially, some mothers who have raised children with great success and shouldered their responsibility will receive decoration for their efforts.

All mothers deserve to be remembered for their unfailing care, as well as for providing security in daily life.

In many families, this year Mother’s Day is different from what it was in the past. All of us will not be even able to see our mothers face to face.

Even today, many mothers are busy at work caring for others.

Daily life has changed for many mothers. Concerns about the family’s financial situation may have grown. Additional stress may also be caused by new obligations, such as home schooling.

Many mothers live alone. Now it is important to work out ways to facilitate contacts with them, to foster mental closeness.

Mother’s Day serves as an excellent reminder of the importance of family and close-knit communities. While the significance of family is specifically highlighted on a day like this, we will do well in bearing in mind the message of Mother’s Day on caring and helping, now and after this exceptional situation.

I wish all mothers and their next of kin strength and a happy Mother’s Day.