Close cooperation founded on trust between Parliament, the President of the Republic and the Government is always and in all circumstances a prerequisite for the good management of our country’s affairs. I believe and know that together we can set about implementing those goals in our Constitution that oblige us to safeguard the inviolability of human dignity and the liberty and rights of the individual as well as to promote social justice.
The thinking underlying our new Constitution goes back a long way. The reformer Olaus Petri [1493-1552] wrote in a set of guidelines that the office of judge was created for the benefit of the people as a whole. This is an idea that also officialdom must put into practice. The authorities must carry out their demanding tasks with efficiency and justice. It requires a sensitive ear with which to listen to the people, an understanding of the common good and support for civil society. That is asking for a lot, but we all know that the Finnish civil service has always been known for its high work morale and efficiency. I am willing to set the same goal for myself. I shall try to support the authorities in their work to the extent that the means available to me permit.
I am likewise ready to support Åland’s justified efforts to develop its system of self-government and promote the wellbeing of the province.
I extend my best greetings to all of you and wish you success in your work for the Finnish people.