Afghanistan needs long-term and comprehensive support. It is therefore crucial to enhance coordination of international efforts in close cooperation with the Afghan Government.
We have come here to listen attentively to President Karzai. International efforts should be based on building Afghan capacity and Afghan ownership. The ownership entails responsibilities in establishing the rule of law, in protecting human rights and in implementing fully the equality guaranteed for women. Also, the fight against corruption and narcotics needs to be pursued.
Finland supports a stronger role for the United Nations in coordinating the international efforts. We welcome the appointment of our friend, Kai Eide, as Special Representative for Afghanistan.
The police sector requires special attention. The EU and NATO need to ensure close cooperation in conducting the operations. Failures in establishing security arrangements would lead to a situation where the EU police mission is not able to do its work and may even put the life of these civilian experts at risk.
The nation-building will take time and the situation in Afghanistan calls for a long-term commitment by the different international actors. Finland increases her contribution in Afghanistan. Our development aid is about 10 million Euros annually, special emphasis being put on rural development, counter-narcotics and promoting women’s role.
We will continue our engagement in ISAF and have undertaken to participate in the training of Afghanistan’s national army. We also support the Afghan security sector through the EU, the UN and the OSCE.
The Finnish OSCE Chairmanship has launched ambitious border projects in Tajikistan in order to enhance the security on the Afghan border. At the same time, we find it important to examine possibilities to start projects also in Afghanistan.
Finland supports the declaration and the comprehensive plan to be adopted at this meeting.