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The President of the Republic of Finland: Speeches and Interviews

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 4/9/2002

Speech by president Tarja Halonen at a banquet hosted by president Kim Dae-jung in Seoul on 9.4.2002

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Allow me to thank you, Mr. President, for the magnificent hospitality that you have shown us here in Seoul. My husband and I have found our visit a wonderful experience.

This is the second time we have met. I had the pleasure to meet and converse with you here in Seoul during the ASEM summit in autumn 2000 and am pleased that I have now been able to return to this beautiful Land of the Morning Calm. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to exchange views with you on the changing situation in the world.

Korean culture and art draw their strength from traditions that are millennia old. During this visit, we have enjoyed an outstanding opportunity to acquaint ourselves broadly with your country's history and unique folklore.

There is an old tradition among Finnish scholars of studying Korean culture. This provides a good starting point for growing interaction in the fields of art, culture, education and science. Finnish interest was inspired by the pioneering work of Professor Gustaf John Ramstedt in the 1920s. His research into the etymology of Korean and Mongolian led in 1939 to the publication of the first Korean grammar book in a Western language. Positive traditions give us a good basis on which to continue our cooperation.

Mr. President, you became well-known to the Finns for your vigorous and prolonged efforts on behalf of human rights and democracy. Your work to develop relations between the Koreas has likewise earned you wide international esteem. Your "sunshine policy" has contributed significantly to strengthening peace and stability not only on the Korean Peninsula, but also more widely in international relations. It was for these merits that you were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize two years ago.

Finland, together with the other countries in the European Union, supports your efforts to strengthen peace and trust on the Korean Peninsula. We likewise strongly support you in your work to strengthen human rights and democracy there. We hope the process of rapprochement between the Koreas will return to a positive course and that good results will soon be achieved in it. We Finns know from our own experience how important a matter peace is. We also hope that millions of members of divided families on both sides of the ceasefire line will be able to meet again and that an end can be brought to a human tragedy that has lasted for nearly 50 years.

The September 11 terror attacks in the United States came as a shock to the international community and led to major changes in world politics. Terrorism is a crime against the whole of humankind and Finland condemns it unequivocally. We are working with other states to combat it. Since September 11, democracy, human rights, the rule of law as well as international cooperation to strengthen these values, which all humankind share, have once again become a central aim in our globalising world. We hope the development on the Korean Peninsula is also tending in this direction. In the same spirit, the sport-loving Finnish people hopes that the FIFA World Cup, which Korea and Japan are hosting, will pass off peaceably and in a way that strengthens friendship between peoples.

Economic cooperation and trade between Finland and Korea have been developing very favourably in recent years. I am pleased that trade between us has been going so well and that Finnish companies have strengthened their position in the economic life of Korea. One indication of the Finns' growing interest in Korea is the high-calibre economic delegation that is accompanying me on this state trip. Korean companies are likewise very active in the Finnish market and the high quality of their products has made them popular with consumers. There are great opportunities to be found in the development of trade between our countries, especially in the high-technology and metallurgical sectors.

Relations between our countries are excellent and prospects for their further development are favourable as we begin the new millennium. I hope and believe that relations between Finland and the Republic of Korea will continue to develop and strengthen.

I propose a toast to the honour of President Kim Dae-jung and the First Lady, to the happiness and success of the people of Korea as well as to friendship between our countries.

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Updated 5/6/2002

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