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The President of the Republic of Finland: Speeches and Interviews

The President of the Republic of Finland
Speeches, 8/25/2011

Speech by President of the Republic Tarja Halonen at the promotion and commissioning ceremony for Cadets on 25 August 2011

I congratulate you on successfully completing the degree of Bachelor of Military Science. I promote cadets with the rank of Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant and appoint cadets accepting commissions to positions as officers and temporary junior officers.

In today’s world, security threats are increasingly multi-faceted and often unpredictable. In a world of globalisation, we are threatened not only by traditional armed conflicts, but also by terrorism, natural disasters and other hazards to critical infrastructure and the vital functions of society. Even individual acts may place the security of many at considerable risk, as demonstrated by the recent events in Norway.

The primary duty of the Defence Forces is preparation for the military defence of Finland. Even though military threats against Finland are currently unlikely, they cannot be entirely excluded. The determined and long-term development of Finland’s defence capabilities occupies a key role in preventing military threats. In addition to the military defence of Finland, the aims of the development of the Defence Forces will continue to include the prevention of military threats against Finland. The Defence Forces will also continue to support other authorities and take part in international military crisis management.

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Your graduation coincides with the preparation of the work towards shaping the future operating practices, organisation and resources of the Defence Forces. Set to begin halfway through the decade, the actual reform will be significant, and will undoubtedly attract extensive public interest and debate. The proposed reforms will be addressed in the Security and Defence Policy Report to be submitted to Parliament, as agreed in the Government Programme. With international and national economic trends preventing the allocation of additional resources, the reform will not be easy. Even so, your work will be backed by the strong will of Finns to defend their country, and by the wide public support enjoyed by Finnish conscription.
Finland has a functional and cost-efficient conscription system. The training of conscripts for the military defence of Finland is one of the main tasks of the Defence Forces during peacetime. You will be in charge of training many young men and women, a task both important and responsible. Military service, women’s voluntary service and military refresher courses have a major impact on the way conscripts function as members of our society. This is why the training must not only be of high professional quality, but also demonstrate a genuine respect for democracy and equality. Your training leaves you on an excellent footing with regard to meeting what is expected and demanded of you.

Our country is an internationally renowned pioneer in extensive and smooth cooperation among branches of administration and different authorities. Our conscription system guarantees that the other Finnish authorities are highly familiar with the Defence Forces and the Border Guard. Since we are a small country with limited resources, it is vital that we can continue to maintain and develop the forms of cooperation that have been created over the decades. Here, too, you will occupy a key role, as you will be taking part in the day-to-day cooperation.

Rector, directors and teachers of the National Defence University,

I would like to thank you for a job well done. The success of these graduates is a demonstration of your success in your task as teachers and supervisors. You have given these young officers the prerequisites for practising their demanding profession. Your efforts ensure that the expertise of the Defence Forces and the Border Guard remains at a high level.

Young officers,

Heartfelt congratulations are in order today. Your studies have been successful, and your hard work has allowed you to reach an important goal in your military career. This day is sure to be an unforgettable one for you and your loved ones. The support of loved ones is invaluable – remember to thank them for it.

I wish you all the best of success in your duties.

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Updated 9/9/2011

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