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Suomen tasavallan presidentti: Tiedotteet ja uutiset

Suomen tasavallan presidentti
Uutiset, 8.5.2009

Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Hillary Rodham Clintonin tervehdys

Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Hillary Rodham Clinton lähetti tervehdyksen Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain 90-vuotisten diplomaattisuhteiden kunniaksi.

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Dear Madam President:

I am pleased to send warm greetings to the distinguished guests gathered for the University of Helsinki symposium and to the government and people of Finland as we commemorate 90 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and Finland. The ties between our countries have never been stronger, based on a solid foundation of common values and the similar aspirations of our peoples for a stable, just, and prosperous world.

Like so many Americans, I admire Finland's remarkable achievements in education, technology, design, and the arts. Finnish culture has enriched Americans in countless ways: more than 3,500 Finns and 1,500 Americans have pursued educational opportunities in our two countries under the ASLA-Fulbright program, and these citizens serve as vital bridges, engaging in dynamic diplomacy through personal and professional relationships.

Thank you for helping to mark this important milestone. May these 90 years of friendship serve as a harbinger of even closer ties in the years to come.

Sincerely yours,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Päivitetty 8.5.2009

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