President of the Republic of Finland 1982-1994

Born in Turku, Finland, on 25th November, 1923
Died in Helsinki, Finland, on 12th May, 2017
Married 1952: Taimi Tellervo Kankaanranta, b. 1929
Children: One daughter Assi, b. 1957
Doctor of Philosophy 1956, University of Turku
Licentiate in Philosophy 1953, University of Turku
Master of Arts 1953, University of Turku
Matriculation Examination 1949, Turun Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu
(secondary school in Turku)
President of the Republic of Finland 1982-1994
Governor of Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank 1968-82 (The Bank of Finland)
Managing Director of Helsingin Työväen Säästöpankki 1959-67
Director of Helsingin Työväen Säästöpankki 1958-59 (Helsinki Workers’ Savings Bank)
Vocational Counsellor of the City of Turku 1954-57
Member of the Turku City Council
Primary School Teacher 1951-53
Manager of the Harbour Labour Office of Turku 1948-51
Member of the Cabinet
Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister 1972
Prime Minister 1968-70; 1979-82
Minister of Finance 1966-67
Career-related Activities
Member of the Board of Administration of RENLUND 1972-82
Chairman of the Board of Mortgage Bank of Finland Ltd. 1971-82
Member of the Board of Administration of Keskusosuusliike OTK (Central Co-operative Society) 1970-82
Chairman of the Board of Administration of Sponsor Oy 1970-82
Chairman of the Board of Tervakoski Oy 1970-82
Chairman of the Board of Postipankki (Post Office Bank) 1970-82
Chairman of the Board of Administration of Teollistamisrahasto Oy (Industrialization Fund Ltd.) 1969-82
Member of the Board of Administration of Suomen Vientiluotto Oy (Finnish Export Credit Ltd.) 1968-82
Member of the Enlarged Board of Directors of the Social Insurance Institution 1968-82
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Administration of Vientitakuulaitos Oy (Export Guarantee Board) 1968-71
Member of the Board of Tervakoski Oy 1968
Chairman of the Board of Administration of the Co-operative Society ELANTO 1966-82
Member of the Council of the Co-operative Union KK 1964-82
International Tasks
Governor for Finland, International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1970-79
Governor for Finland, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 1966-69
Grannar – frändskap och friktion, 2008
Itsenäiseksi imperiumin kainalossa – mietteitä kansojen kohtalosta, 2004
Venäjän idea, 2001
Koulussa ja sodassa, 1998
Liikkeen suunta, 1997
Kaksi kautta II. Historian tekijät, 1995 /Witness to History, 1997
Kaksi kautta I. Muistikuvia ja merkintöjä 1982-1994, 1994
Maantiede ja historiallinen kokemus, 1992 / Finland och morgondagens Europa, 1992 / Foreign Policy – Standpoints 1982-1992, 1992 / Geographie und Geschichte, 1992 / Vzgljad na mir, 1992
Politiikkaa & politikointia 1979-81, 1988 / Politik & statskonst 1979-81, 1988
Linjaviitat, 1983 / Råmärken, 1983 / Landmarks-Finland in the World, 1985 / Vehi puti, Moskova 1986 / Richtmarken-Finnland in der Welt, 1988
Tästä lähtien, 1981 / Och nu, 1982
Väärää politiikkaa, 1978
Linjan vetoa, 1968 / Riktlinjer, 1969
Sosiaaliset suhteet Turun satamassa (väitöskirja), 1956
Honorary Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy h.c., University of Helsinki 1990
Doctor of Technology honoris causa, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo 1988
Doctor of Law, honoris causa, University of Prague 1987 (Dr.Iur H.C.)
Doctor of Social Sciences h.c., Univ. of Tampere, 1985
Doctor of Sociology h.c. at the University of Toulouse, France 1983
Doctor honoris causa of Economic Sciences, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration of Åbo Academy 1978, Helsinki School of Economics 1991
Doctor honoris causa of Political Science, University of Turku 1977, University of Helsinki 1986
Military Rank